History Repeats
Just had the loveliest trip to Barcelona this weekend. What a wonderful vibe and sense of style! You have your typical Chloe chic girls, mixed with more bohemian Spanish beach surfers, all thrown into modernist galleries with trendy universitat students.
While wandering the city doing touristy things one day, I decided to go against my guidebook's suggestion of skipping "the dull Museu Textil i d'Indumentaria," and popped over there after getting my Picasso fix from across the street. While the layout wasn't awe-inspiring, the collection was quaint and beautiful. Looking at pieces from the eighteenth century, it was amazing to see dresses that could still be worn on the red carpet today.
Or how about the classic Balenciaga donation?
I love classic vintage.
While wandering the city doing touristy things one day, I decided to go against my guidebook's suggestion of skipping "the dull Museu Textil i d'Indumentaria," and popped over there after getting my Picasso fix from across the street. While the layout wasn't awe-inspiring, the collection was quaint and beautiful. Looking at pieces from the eighteenth century, it was amazing to see dresses that could still be worn on the red carpet today.